They’re soaring through the skies, laser-focused on their mission, pulling 9Gs or more, all while staying in full control of their bladder.
It all boils down to a piece of military intel gathered from Japan, after World War 2.
This intel grants them the ability to dictate the exact moment of relief, based on the demands of their mission.
So, yes, pilots do pee in flight, in a special contraption in their flight suits.
But here's the kicker: they do it precisely when they want and how fast they want to!
It's a tactical “pee-cheat” straight out of the Japanese playbook, granting them precise control over timing and flow down to the split second.
And it’s something that you can do at home right now!
It’s that simple.
And now, you can harness this ingenious “pee-cheat” with...
A ritual that within just a few weeks, without any major changes to my lifestyle, completely resolved my prostate issues, allowing me to wake up each morning refreshed, no longer bound by the shackles of nighttime bathroom trips… Enjoying days dictated by my desires, not my proximity to the nearest restroom.
Giving me the freedom to explore, travel, and engage in spontaneous adventures without worry and rekindle the intimacy with my wife, unburdened by the physical discomfort and inability to perform that once cast its ugly shadow.
With this ritual I'll be sharing with you…
Yes, you may be feeling skeptical and as unbelievable as it sounds, this is all possible with an oddly simple and safe Japanese breakfast ritual you can do at home right now, that has nothing to do with medications, injections, or surgery, and goes against everything you thought you knew about prostate health.
And in the next few minutes, you'll be shocked as I reveal the mysterious real root cause of your swollen and painful prostate:
It's caused by something scientists are calling prostate parasites and studies from places like John Hopkins, the Cleveland Clinic and Harvard confirmed these rogue invaders are chewing through your prostate, attacking it and irritating it, causing it to swell up like a balloon, cutting off the flow of urine, and eventually even destroying your kidneys.
It's so simple, it may surprise you!
A Japanese breakfast ritual, that within minutes starts to eliminate prostate parasites, killing them and flushing them out of your body completely!
An ancient Japanese breakfast ritual handed down from generation to generation and used by some of the healthiest people on earth, a place where prostate problems are virtually non-existent…
…Breaking you free from constant bathroom visits, the pitiful dribbling and weak erections that have now become your new normal… The anxiety over your worsening symptoms and the possibility of needing catheters or surgery.
This Japanese ritual swiftly soothes your prostate, infusing new vitality into your most intimate moments while freeing you from the sleepless nights spent racing to the bathroom.
At the same time, your body begins to heal from the inside out because now instead of merely masking the symptoms, you are attacking the root cause.
Which means it doesn't come with side effects like most mainstream pharmaceutical solutions…
And it's been proven to work over and over again thanks to groundbreaking new studies published in the "Journal of Urology," "Nature Urology," "Frontiers in Medicine," and dozens more.
My ultimate goal in sharing this is for you to be able to stop taking those alpha blockers, five alpha reductase inhibitors and PDE-5 inhibitors that cause dizziness, headaches, and impotence, and stop wasting your time, money, and sanity on things that don't work or end up creating even more uncomfortable urinary and sexual issues.
So far, an impressive 21,747 men from all across America have turned to this trusted remedy and have experienced rapid life-changing results.
And today, I'm inviting you to join them too.
Are you ready to save yourself from years of sleepless nights, frequent urination, pain, and a lackluster love life?
If so, pay close attention and read every word.
That way I can reveal exactly what these prostate parasites are and the Japanese breakfast ritual that wipes them out fast.
No more midnight dashes to the toilet or embarrassing leaks staining your clothes.
No more strained, weak dribbles no matter how hard you try to go.
No more constant pressure making you feel like your bladder will burst.
No more weakened erections and lack of libido robbing you of your masculinity.
Prostate problems are stealing your happiness, but now you can regain control by exterminating this prostate parasite for good before it's too late and you're left catheterized, impotent and wearing diapers.
Imagine reclaiming those simple joys you once took for granted, sleeping through the night, playing with your kids or grandkids and passionate love making.
Well, it's all within your reach.
So keep reading, because I'll share the exact recipe with you, right here, on this page.
This recipe provides long-term relief from the burning sensations and urgency that hurts so bad you wanna scream, all while giving you back control over your bladder and it will work for you just like it has for so many others.
This is what men just like you and me have to say...
"Life-changing improvement. It feels great to live without the constant urge to pee. I can finally go for long drives again. I love it."
"For the first time in a long time, I feel like a man again. And for the past three weeks I've slept through the night."
"You've helped me regain control over my life and my wife is thrilled with the new, or should I say old me."
"I'm a new man thanks to you. I'm not constantly on edge anymore. I had no idea just how much my prostate issues were affecting my life."
"Last week I hiked with my grandkids without needing a bathroom break. It made me feel so rejuvenated."
"I wanted to thank you. After trying everything without success, your advice really helped."
All because this highly effective Japanese breakfast ritual zeroes in on the root cause of your frequent restroom visits and other prostate-related issues, the prostate parasite I'll be sharing with you in just a moment.
And once you get this parasite handled, you'll have the tools to defeat it forever.
I guarantee this is the first time you've heard about this solution.
The big greedy pharmaceutical industry worth billions is doing everything it can to hide it from you and remove this video.
Their whole business depends on you worsening and staying their customer for life, but the time is running out.
I don't know how much longer we have, so listen up and keep reading to the very end.
In this must-read presentation, you'll be shocked when you learn what this prostate parasite is and why so many men are infested with it.
Understanding this one thing has changed thousands of men's lives, eliminating their bathroom issues and allowing them to stay active and free.
I'll show you a step-by-step guide of exactly how they're doing it so you can do it too. I'll also reveal the number one bathroom mistake millions of men are making.
Trust me, you'll think twice about reaching for that new toilet paper roll.
Plus, I'll share scientific studies from top universities that back up everything I'm saying.
All of this and a few more surprises are coming your way.
It's time to break free from the chains of a swollen and irritated prostate once and for all.
My name is Jeff Simmons.
I'm not a doctor, scientist or fitness guru here to bombard you with medical lingo. I'm a 57-year-old medical recruiter for a large nationwide hospital chain, living with my beautiful wife, Lisa, and our two kids, Jake and Emma in sunny Orlando, Florida.
In 2017, I was part of a team that coordinated the massive mobilization of medical staff during Hurricane Irma.
I share this because I know what it feels like to lose control. Just like a hurricane can swiftly transform a beautiful day into a living nightmare, so too can prostate problems.
That happened to me, and perhaps you're experiencing something similar… My story might sound familiar.
I met my wife in my twenties and we felt madly in love. We were full of life back then and I never gave a second thought to my health.
However, as time rolled on and I hit the big 5-0, an unwelcome and unpleasant change began to sneak in, frequent, urgent bathroom visits mostly during the night.
Initially, I tackled the issue head on as I always did with my health. I stopped drinking liquids close to bedtime, cut back on caffeine, and even started a course of prescribed prostate medication.
For a while, these changes took the edge off. My nights became more peaceful and less disturbed. However, right after I turned 55, things quickly spiraled out of control.
The bathroom visits became more frequent and the things that once worked stopped yielding the same results.
My doctor emphasized the gravity of the situation, telling me that my prostate health was declining and that it was putting undue pressure on my kidneys and bladder.
Nothing worked!
The relentless bathroom trips wouldn't stop… And I tried everything… Prescribed prostate meds, completely cutting out caffeine, even bladder training exercises my urologist recommended.
I shelled out thousands to consult with top scientists, tried new and experimental treatments and purchased anything that promised relief, but things only got worse.
The meds initially helpful, soon caused unpleasant side effect. I felt nauseous, my blood pressure dropped and I felt dizzy…
My energy was zapped and the bladder exercises didn't make a difference at all. With each failed treatment, I slipped further and further into a depression.
It was wearing me down. I felt isolated and frustrated. My marriage was teetering on the brink.
Intimacy felt like a distant memory.
And as hard as it is to admit, being physically intimate became an insurmountable task.
My wife and I barely spoke and when we did, it was laced with frustration and despair.
This went on for months and instead of finding a solution, my problems compounded…
Persistent fatigue, unending anxiety and throbbing pelvic pain.
My self-esteem plummeted and I avoided all social interactions. I was terrified people might notice my frequent trips to the restroom.
I would think about other men my age living their lives freely, not chained to a bathroom like I was.
These questions echoed in my mind.
I remember looking in the mirror one day as I was shaving and seeing a weak and pitiful man I hardly recognized, a man who wet his pants and couldn't perform in bed.
The realization that I would be stuck with these prostate problems for the rest of my life hit me like a Mack truck. The truth is…
Days blurred into weeks and weeks into months, until one day the fear gripped me like never before.
Suddenly I found myself unable to pee! I was in dire need, but my body just refused to cooperate… The discomfort was more than just a nagging pain.
It was a terrifying, gut-wrenching ordeal.
It felt like a cruel betrayal from my own body. The fear of the unknown was so intense, it was suffocating.
I rushed to my doctor desperate for answers only to be told that this was a medical emergency. He sent me to the ER where some smug intern shoved a plastic tube into my penis and drained my bladder.
Then the doctor casually handed me a dozen home catheters telling me to use one if it ever happened again.
Unfortunately, it did…
Just a week later, I found myself in the same situation. I pulled out a catheter and tried to remember the instructions they gave me, but I couldn't think straight.
The pain was excruciating and there was SO MUCH BLOOD!
I felt the world spin and before I knew it, I was out cold. My wife found me unconscious on the bathroom floor covered in blood and piss.
She called 9-1-1 and they rushed me to the hospital. They performed an emergency procedure to relieve my bladder and stopped the bleeding.
I was lucky to make it through the night!
The next day, lying in that hospital bed with my wife clutching my hand, I felt a wave of anger and shame wash over me.
Anger at a healthcare system that had ignored the severity of my condition for years and shame for being such a pitiful and helpless man.
But I didn't know what to do… The thought of not being around my family was unbearable.
That night, my wife with tears streaming down her face, begged me to find a solution.
"You need to figure this out," she said…
Her words must have reached someone out there because the next morning, I was ready to go home. As I waited to be discharged, I started thinking about what my wife had said.
She was absolutely right.
There was no way I could live like this, but the doctors acted as if I had no choice. They seemed so sure that taking my prostate was the right answer and I wasn't convinced.
So right then and there I decided to do everything I could to find a solution.
I wasn't going to leave the fate of my manhood to anyone, so as soon as I landed back home, I began my research with a question that might seem crazy at first sight, but it was precisely what helped me unlock the mystery.
Why does the prostate become inflamed? The answer is pretty clear cut:
The prostate becomes inflamed as a defensive response to potentially harmful substances it encounters.
This led me to wonder, what triggers the persistent inflammation in the prostate?
My theory was that the prostate continues to become inflamed as it persistently combats something it deems to be a threat.
But what exactly?
Was there something harmful present in men's prostates worldwide irrespective of their age, genetic makeup or health conditions?...
...and if so, where did it originate from?
The likely source appeared to be something external, potentially an environmental factor.
So I started to delve deeper, exploring scientific studies and research data on the prevalence rates of prostatitis in America and other countries. The insights I gathered over several days filled me with a mix of anger and despair.
Be prepared…
What's crucial to remember is that there is a solution.
Here's what I discovered:
If you were to delve into scientific papers and data illustrating the prevalence rates of prostate problems here in America, what you'd find is a whole bunch of different theories, but what's interesting is they all have one thing in common.
They all talk about prostate inflammation… I mean, we all know that painful and swollen prostate is inflamed, but what nobody seemed to know is where that inflammation was coming from.
It was bizarre!
And when I say nobody, I mean it...
I looked at over 150 studies and none had a clue.
That was until I came across a paper published by researchers from Johns Hopkins University.
They performed a comprehensive review of the medical literature and came to the following conclusion:
"We provide evidence that the human microbiome present at multiple anatomic sites, including the urinary tract, may play an important role in prostate health and disease."
In a separate study, researchers from the University of British Columbia found, "a complex interaction between microbes and the prostate."
These were among the first studies to connect gut health and prostate problems.
And soon there were others...
Like this one published in "The Prostate" by a team of Japanese researchers.
They found that an imbalance of two particular types of gut bacteria was directly linked to the increase in prostate parasites, inflammation and enlargement.
And this scientific report from the Institute of Cancer Research found a direct connection between these prostate parasites and severe prostate problems…
Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic found the same thing.
Bottom line, not only does this prostate parasite cause system-wide inflammation, it burrows its way to your prostate and devours it from the inside out.
I'm not a doctor so I don't have the answer, but I knew someone who would, my old friend Ryan. Ryan is a microbiologist who used to run the pathology lab at the first hospital I worked at.
We go way back, but what I remember most about Ryan is that even as a microbiologist, he was skeptical of big pharma and mainstream medicine.
He used to get into debates all the time with the medical staff and he always won. He was brilliant.
And when I called, he was as friendly as ever. We chit chatted for a moment and then I got to the reason for my call…
I explained my hopeless situation and how that without a solution, my prostate would soon be on the chopping block.
I also explained my theory on how prostate problems were connected to gut health. As I shared my research, I paused momentarily to make sure Ryan was still with me.
All I heard was silence… At first I thought he might have hung up.
Then he cleared his throat and said, "It's easy to misunderstand the link between gut health and prostate inflammation, but there's an easier way to think about it."
He explained that in healthy men, gut bacteria remains balanced and parasites are kept in check… And it's pretty well established that things like diet, stress and medication can trigger an imbalance in gut bacteria and an overgrowth of parasites.
We also know that there are a host of chemicals and toxins found in common everyday household products and personal items that destroy your gut health too.
Everything from plastics to pesticides, non-stick cookware to food packaging, even deodorant and toilet paper.
Ryan shared a study that found that toilet paper to be a major source of PFAS, per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
These are hormone-disrupting chemicals known to not only damage gut health, but they mess up your manhood too.
"Most people are aware that these things are affecting gut health," Ryan continued, "but when it comes to men, there's also something else: testosterone".
Ryan explained that poor gut health in men lowers testosterone.
Then he shared a study published in the "Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism," showing that acute inflammation reduces testosterone production by up to 30% in six hours.
Think about that… One bout of inflammation can hammer your testosterone. Now imagine what long-term chronic inflammation does to your T levels.
It can wipe them out!
According to Ryan…
Inflammation in the gut weakens your intestinal walls, which allows this prostate parasite to escape.
To make matters worse, this parasite has been shown to lower testosterone, which leads to even more damage in your gut, ultimately disrupting not only your gut health but your hormone balance too.
Ryan referred to all this as the "Gut-Prostate Axis" .
He explained that while scientists have known that gut health impacts other organs, the "Gut-Prostate Axis" is completely new.
In recent years, scientists have uncovered a direct communication highway between your gut and the prostate gland. And much like with the brain, liver, and kidneys, an unhealthy gut causes inflammation and toxicity that flows right to your prostate.
This is why prostate problems and gut issues go hand in hand…
Harmful parasites, toxins and chemicals leak from the gut directly to the prostate. And over time this leads to urinary and bladder problems.
He also explained how it works both ways too… As prostate cells become increasingly unhealthy, they release compounds that disrupt your gut balance.
So, much like low testosterone levels affect your gut health an unhealthy prostate does too!
"Remember those gut parasites you mentioned to me?" Ryan asked. "Well, it turns out that according to a study published in the "Journal of Urology," these parasites are often found in common foods including regular tap water, causing an overgrowth of these parasites leading to damage to your gut, increased inflammation, decreased testosterone levels, and prostate problems."
"I'm really onto something here," I said. "If I can find a way to heal the gut permanently, it could be the key to treating my prostate problems and helping others too."
He partially agreed that healing the gut microbiome was crucial, but he reminded me that a lot is going on…
All of it plays a role! And according to Ryan, you need to address all three.
I felt overwhelmed, realizing this wasn't as easy as I thought. When I first called him, I felt like I was on the verge of a real solution.
Now it felt like it was a million miles away…
When I asked what to do next, he told me that while he wished there was some easy fix, as far as he knew, there wasn't a definitive answer.
"Give me some time to look into all this," he said. "I have some friends who are urologists and they're pretty cutting edge. Let me see what I can find."
As I hung up the phone, I felt so defeated and let me tell you, those weeks following my call with Ryan were some of the roughest I've ever experienced.
My symptoms only seemed to intensify, making it nearly impossible for me to find comfort. I was on the verge of giving up entirely and accepting the fact that they were going to yank out my prostate.
It was one of the darkest times of my life, but I believed God was listening to my prayers because a few days later, Ryan called and left a message.
In it, he said he'd been working on something that he thought could really help me, potentially turning the tide in my favor.
I called him back immediately.
When I did, Ryan told me he'd made some key findings!
He explained that during his research he discovered that…
And after a closer look, he found that it was all thanks to what he called a simple Japanese breakfast ritual.
And it’s actually something that the military has been using for the past 80 years for their fighter pilots, passed down from the Japanese after World War 2.
But its roots stretch even further back. This this tradition... It's been a cornerstone of Japanese culture for centuries.
As he spoke, I could tell he was extremely excited to share all this with me, and for good reason.
Because if this Japanese breakfast ritual was even half as powerful as research suggested, it was obvious it could transform the lives of men everywhere, helping them enjoy restful, uninterrupted sleep instead of middle of the night bathroom trips.
Picture being able to take a long car ride or sit through a movie without worrying about where the nearest restroom is…
Think about what it would feel like not to dread going out in public, fearful you might not make it to the bathroom in time or being able to make love to your partner without pain or embarrassment.
That's how high the stakes were!
I listened closely as Ryan explained everything.
As it turned out, in Japan, they eat a lot of fermented foods, things like miso, a paste made from fermented soybeans and grains including barley and brown rice.
Natto, a favorite fermented food served on rice.
And nukazuke, vegetables pickled in rice bran.
According to Ryan, during the fermentation process, natural bacteria feed on the sugar and starch in the food producing lactic acid. This process creates probiotics, the friendly bacteria your gut loves.
These probiotics help balance your gut flora, aiding digestion and boosting your immune system. And more importantly, they kill the prostate parasite leading to less damage to your gut, less inflammation and less prostate trouble.
But it gets even better.
Because according to Ryan, the strains of probiotics in these fermented foods can be isolated and combined with other nutrients that specifically enhance prostate health.
That's when Ryan revealed his three-step plan.
Starting with step one: keeping your health in check starts with tackling the infamous prostate parasites, balancing your system and healing your gut.
Ryan was clear!
Without it, you're left with more discomfort, unwanted drips, inconvenient urgency, and those awkward bathroom problems we guys don't like to chat about.
So, Ryan started with a strong mix of good bacteria called probiotics with a whopping 50 billion CFUs. This blend was specifically created with men's health in mind.
Leading the charge is Lactobacillus Laterium .
This good guy targets the prostate parasite and other harmful bacteria in your gut.
Next up, Lactobacillus Fermentum .
It helps control bad cholesterol, which left unchecked and mess with your prostate.
Then there's Lactobacillus Gasseri .
If you've noticed your belt feeling a bit tight, Ryan says this specific good bacteria is proven to help lose belly fat.
He also included L-Rhamnosus , which helps balance out the bad bacteria in your gut and that's not all. L-Rhamnosus also reduces the anxiety caused by prostate problems by increasing GABA levels in the brain.
Pretty cool, right?
Next, he included Bifidobacterium Breve
This strain is important because it stimulates your T cells and gets your immune system fighting off the parasites irritating your prostate.
Overall, Ryan handpicked 14 probiotic strains to address these specific symptoms associated with prostate problems.
Then he moved on to step two, which is to wipe out the parasites that have made it to your prostate and nourish your neglected manhood.
According to Ryan, with the gut issues handled, it's important to address those nasty parasites festering around your prostate.
So without addressing the prostate simultaneously, the gut issue will only come back.
To do this, he recommended Saw Palmetto .
More than likely you've heard of Saw Palmetto. Men in Europe have used Saw Palmetto for ages to treat swollen prostates and get that urine flowing again.
But what you probably didn't know is that Saw Palmetto prevents these parasites and other bad bacteria from clinging to your prostate lining.
It also blocks DHT, which as I mentioned earlier, increases due to lower testosterone levels.
This means no more inflammation or mad dashes to the bathroom.
Ryan also recommended Iodine and Grape Seed Extract .
Iodine is like a powerful cleanser that flushes out all the gunk building up around your prostate… While Grape Seed Extract floods your prostate with antioxidants to nourish, protect and support healthy cell function.
The goal here is to purge the parasites causing chaos and pumps in vitamins and minerals to get your prostate strong and healthy again.
This brings me to the third and final step.
"At this point," Ryan explained, "we've balanced the gut bacteria and kicked out the troublemakers, but we still have to get the swelling and inflammation under control."
That's why he recommended two superstar ingredients that work hand-in-hand to achieve that goal.
Ryan calls it the "deflate button" because it rapidly reduces swelling and shrinks your enlarged prostate back to size.
Beta-Sitosterol blocks 5-Alpha-Reductase, the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into DHT and ramping up prostate cell growth. It also lowers inflammatory Cytokines and quiets down all that burning and stinging when you pee.
Now the next ingredient...
Vinitrox, is like bringing in the fire department to extinguish the last remaining flames.
It's made from concentrated grape seed extract and turbocharges nitric oxide levels in your body.
This opens up and relaxes those contracted muscles around your prostate and urethra! You'll see that urine start flowing freely again.
So Beta-Sitosterol reduces the swelling while ViNitrox relaxes the muscles. Power pairing these two gives your prostate major relief.
That all sounds good, right? But what are the actual results?
Of course, I was the first person to try it. I had to wait a few weeks for all the ingredients to show up and when they did, I measured the dosages of each per Ryan's instructions.
Then I started taking it every single day.
Well, after the first few days, I didn't feel much. And if I said I wasn't disappointed, I'd be lying.
But soon enough, when I woke up one morning… I could feel something had changed.
I couldn't believe it!
Slowly but surely, I started sleeping through the night.
I was waking up refreshed and full of energy.
It wasn't long ago I needed a catheter to empty my bladder and I wore adult diapers.
Now here I was peeing on my own.
It might not seem like a big deal to some people, but to me it was a miracle. If you've been struggling just to take a leak, you know exactly what I mean.
My wife, well, she couldn't be happier.
Our sex life is more active and satisfying than ever, and it's not uncommon for us to spend all day in bed on a Saturday.
My doctor couldn't believe it…
Scratched his head at the idea that I could go from a bulging bladder and inability to pee by himself to a completely healthy and functioning prostate in just a few short weeks.
But the transformations were just beginning.
After my success, we decided to ask more men to test the formula. Ryan wanted to make sure it really worked.
Men of all ages and backgrounds raised their hands and were more than willing to try. And when the results came back, we were shocked.
Men who couldn't pee normally for years reported a strong, healthy stream.
Others couldn't thank us enough because they no longer had to deal with kidney and bladder problems. While others shared how like me, they also canceled their surgeries, because they no longer needed it.
The results were way better than expected and every heartfelt message I received was just another confirmation that…
How could I, knowing that men everywhere are suffering just like I was dependent on catheters or diapers and facing surgery?
So, I asked Ryan if he would be willing to help me, and make this amazing gift available to as many men as possible. And he instantly agreed.
But, in order to get this miracle to everyone out there, going through the pain and shame that I went through, we knew we needed a partner to mass produce his amazing formula, and help us manufacture and package it.
And quality was our top priority. I myself have taken natural solutions only to discover that what was inside the bottle and what was written on the bottle were two very different things.
So we searched high and low for a company we could trust, and found a company that always does their research and provides supplements with only the most potent ingredients, shipped from all over the world from secure and trusted sources, who can formulate and package in a FDA-approved, GMP-quality facility, right here in the USA.
That's why, now…
A one-of-a-kind, 100% natural, scientist-developed health solution that tackles the root cause of an enlarged prostate, an overgrowth of unhealthy parasites.
Imagine this…
You wake up each morning and as part of your routine, you take ProstaBiome. You can enjoy it with your breakfast or pair it with your tea, coffee, juice, or whatever beverage you prefer.
ProstaBiome is a powerhouse of 18 scientifically-validated, potent ingredients that recalibrate your gut bacteria, eliminating inflammation and flushing prostate parasites from your system.
The meticulously chosen probiotics and 18 prostate nurturing elements in ProstaBiome are unlike anything you've ever encountered.
Each bottle is proudly produced in the USA in an FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility, adhering to sterile, strict, and precise standards.
We ensure regular sanitation of the equipment used to process the ingredients and package our bottles.
ProstaBiome is non-GMO and safe.
It's free from harmful stimulants or toxins, and it's not habit forming.
Guys like Terry Pete from Los Angeles, California says,
"You've done something truly amazing. My bladder no longer has a mind of its own. I can't tell you how great it feels to sleep through the night."
Terry Pete
And James R. from Austin, Texas praised,
"My prostate troubles seemed to only get worse. The relief I felt when I stumbled upon your solution was indescribable. It saved my life."
James R.
By now, you're likely eager to try this cutting-edge solution for yourself and why wouldn't you be?
Because ProstaBiome is the first scientifically-backed prostate supplement that empowers you to shrink your prostate and regain control over your bladder at lightning speed.
So bearing all this in mind, let's talk about how you can get your hands on ProstaBiome today.
First off, we refuse to cut any corners.
With ProstaBiome, You're always guaranteed a premium state-of-the-art product that's been clinically tested and proven to work.
We've never held back when it came to formulating it.
Especially since only a select few laboratories in the world can handle probiotics and plant sterols with such precision and care that they maintain their properties, allowing them to do their job rebalancing your gut bacteria and eliminating the inflammation-causing parasites irritating your prostate and causing pressure on your bladder.
The bottom line is quality like this doesn't come cheap.
However, when you compare the price of ProstaBiome, with scores of formulations containing outdated generic formulas that barely help and given the scarcity of real solutions for BPH, urinary tract and kidney infections, we could easily offer this at its original retail value of $197.
And considering the results our customers have achieved without having to endure any embarrassing and uncomfortable rectal exams or costly surgeries, most of them said they would pay it without hesitation.
But here's the thing, we are not here to put a price on your health or the peace of mind that being free from prostate trouble brings.
So I talked to Ryan, and…
Just to cover the cost of the ingredients and at least part of the research time that my team and I have invested, while keeping this site running for as long as possible. But crunching the numbers to get the price down, was tough… But ultimately, after going back and forth with accounting for almost a month, we found a way to do it!
We decided to cut out the middleman and instead of selling it in stores, make it available exclusively on this website, and pass all the savings on to you.
This means you don't need to invest $197 to transform the health of your prostate and urinary tract, not $165, and not even the current price of $147…
Where it would still be a bargain, considering what this unique formula can do.
But as I mentioned earlier, my ultimate goal with ProstaBiome has always been to make it accessible to as many men in need as possible.
So, today, exclusively on this website and nowhere else, you can get your 30-day supply of ProstaBiome for a one time, 100% risk-free investment of only $69.
$69 for his cutting-edge formula…
That's actually cheaper than the coffee you enjoy in the morning.
Now… Ever since we launched ProstaBiome, many of my patients have shared it with their friends and family members… And we realized, this put a tremendous strain on our inventory, causing us to sell out each new shipment within only days of receiving it.
Plus, because we only allow the best ingredients and extracts in our manufacturing process, we only make ProstaBiome in small batches, which very often takes as long as 3 months to deliver. Which means, when we run out of inventory, you may have to wait at least 3 months to get your hands on ProstaBiome.
We apologize for this. But we have to be very strict when it comes to the quality of our products, even if it does cause delays sometimes.
However, as long as you’re on this page, our system automatically places a hold on our inventory for you.
So as long as you don’t leave this page, we’ve got some ProstaBiome set aside just for you. However, if you do leave, we can’t guarantee your supply when you come back.
This is why we recommend getting at least 3 bottles of ProstaBiome at a time, and 6 if you want to be completely safe…
Plus, if you order a three or six-month package, we'll give you an even bigger discount and additional bonuses.
Here's why:
While many of our users notice changes in as little as a few weeks, the real magic happens when you take it for at least 90 days.
We've seen the effects of ProstaBiome on a lot of men.
That's why I recommend you take one full dose daily for at least 90 days just to make 100% sure your gut is balanced.
Honestly, I cannot estimate how many prostate parasites have accumulated nor how inflamed and irritated your prostate has become.
This depends on many factors like antibiotic exposure, your diet, what household products you use, and even your immune system.
But especially if you're over 40 years old and you've been prescribed antibiotics at least twice in your lifetime, I recommend you take ProstaBiome for at least three to six months… Six months if you want to be sure not a single prostate parasite is left no matter how long your prostate's been infested.
Six months of ProstaBiome will also rejuvenate your entire urinary tract, help balance your gut and supercharge your libido and stamina.
The healing ingredients of ProstaBiome have enough time to build up and thrive in your gut, urinary tract, and body, clearing everything that shouldn't be there and continuously reinforcing and freeing your prostate and bladder.
This means the longer you take ProstaBiome, the better you feel… While bad bacteria are replaced with good bacteria and parasites are eliminated.
In the meantime, the more your prostate shrinks, the better and easier you pee.
Your journey toward relief is making strides with each passing day, and it would be quite unfortunate to come so close to saying goodbye to an enlarged prostate forever only to discover you've run out of ProstaBiome.
Missing just a single day of ProstaBiome could lead to a swift return of the mineral buildup that your body hasn't flushed out yet.
This could disrupt or slow down your entire process.
While you wait for what could be months for a fresh batch of this unique and advanced formula to become available again and when it finally is, even if we're able to procure all the necessary ingredients, again, that is, you might find that the price has doubled.
But if you take advantage of our absolute best deal now, the Complete Six-Month Supply, not only will we give you an impressive $648 discount off the retail price, but we'll even include your shipping and handling for free.
And on top of that…
The first bonus, "The Strength of T, Enhancing Testosterone Levels For Optimal Prostate Function" valued at $79.
This guide will help you supercharge your journey to a healthier prostate by enlightening you on how to enhance your testosterone levels for optimal prostate function.
Here's what you'll discover:
This guide is packed with valuable information that can change your life and elevate your testosterone levels.
The next bonus is "The Power of Performance, A Man's Guide to Enhance Sexual Function" valued at $79.
In this guide, you'll discover: